“Yet if design is such a powerful tool, why aren't more practitioners working in corporations? “然而,如果度假村VI設計是如此強大的工具,為什么沒有更多的醫生在公司工作? If economic value increasingly derives from such intangibles as knowledge, inspiration, and creativity, why don't we hear the language of design echoing down the corridors.如果越來越多地從經濟價值等無形的知識,靈感和創造力,為什么不源于我們聽到的度假村VI設計語言呼應了走廊。 Unfortunately, most business managers are deaf, dumb, and blind when it comes to the creative process.不幸的是,大多數企業管理者是聾,啞,盲,當談到創作過程。 They learned their chops by rote, through a bounded tradition of spreadsheet-based theory.他們學會了死記硬背的印章,通過電子表格的基礎理論界的傳統。 As one MBA joked, in his world, the language of design is a sound only dogs can hear” (Neumeier)作為一個MBA開玩笑說,在他的世界,度假村VI設計語言是一種聲音只有狗才能聽到“(Neumeier)
In the future, for businesses to become and remain successful and create the types of customer experiences that engage brains and hearts simultaneously, they will not only need to hire designers, but essentially become designers.在未來,為企業成為并保持成功,創造客戶體驗,同時從事大腦和心臟,種類他們不僅需要聘請度假村VI設計師,但基本上成為度假村VI設計師。 They will have to adopt the perspective of change, evolution, and innovation throughout all practices.他們將不得不采取在所有做法的變化,演化和創新的視角。 The solutions for problems of the past, whether they be production, customer service, or human capital-related should be addressed with an ever changing eye that redesigns processes and systems of solutions.對過去的問題,解決方案無論是生產,客戶服務,或人力資本有關的應該用一個不斷變化的眼睛重新度假村VI設計流程和解決方案的系統解決。
昔日的2008年9月 September 29th, 2008 2008年9月29日
Create it, and they will buy… 創建它,他們會買...
The real estate industry is in turmoil at the moment for obvious reasons of tighter lending conditions and the lack of financing options around the world.房地產行業正處于明顯的原因,更嚴格的貸款條件和世界各地的資金缺乏選擇的時刻,動蕩。 With all of these troubles however, property speculators and buyers who still manage to have some cash on hand are among the lucky few who are able to make some worthwhile investments.隨著這些所有的麻煩不過,物業投機者和買家誰仍設法手頭現金中的一些少數幸運誰能夠做出一些有價值的投資。 If you are one of these opportunistic investors for hospitality purposes or otherwise, experts are saying that your best bet might be to follow the artists in your city.如果你是為目的或以其他方式招待這些機會的投資者之一,專家們說,最好的辦法可能是跟隨在你的城市的賓館VI設計家。 According to Business Week , these areas of town are often the diamonds in the rough that can prove to be a valuable investment:據商業周刊 ,城鎮這些地區往往未經雕琢的鉆石,可以被證明是一個有價值的投資:
“Soho was once one. “蘇荷曾經之一。 So were Tribeca; Venice, Calif.; and Philadelphia's Old City.翠貝卡也是如此;威尼斯,加利福尼亞州和費城的老城區。 These former gritty neighborhoods once offered low-cost housing for artists.這些前堅韌不拔的居民區為賓館VI設計家提供了一次低造價住房。
(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://16yxy.com 作者:先鋒)
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