來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2010-12-29 22:12:48 查看次數:
Over time, these neighborhoods flourished, adding art galleries, coffee shops, hip little boutiques, and cool restaurants.隨著時間的推移,這些社區蓬勃發展,增加賓館VI設計畫廊,咖啡廳,臀部小精品店,餐館和冷靜。 Property values in turn increased to the point where many of the original artists found themselves priced out.反過來的房地產價格上升的地步,許多賓館VI設計家的發現自己原來的價格了。 Eventually the artists moved on in search of new bohemian blocks, but for the savvy home buyer, keeping an eye on where artists live can be a great way to get in early before a market takes off.最終,賓館VI設計家,在新的波希米亞塊搜索,但精明的購房者,保持對生活在那里的賓館VI設計家可以是一個偉大的方式來獲得早期的市場起飛前的眼睛。
The reason is that artists are happy to move where real estate investors aren't prepared to go—crime-ridden inner cities with trashed-out apartments, inside rat-infested buildings that seem destined for the wrecking ball.原因是,賓館VI設計家都樂于在房地產投資者將不準備去犯罪,充斥著搗毀出城市內的公寓內老鼠出沒,似乎注定了拆遷建筑物。
Artists aren't looking for the next hot neighborhood, just large, affordable spaces where they can grind, hammer, saw, and generally make a racket in the name of creativity.賓館VI設計家是不是在尋找新的熱門社區,是大,價格適中的空間,他們可以磨,錘,鋸,一般使人類的創造力名稱的球拍。 But they often set the stage for redevelopment, and home buyers who follow their lead can sometimes get in while real estate prices are affordable.但他們往往為重建階段,購房者誰跟著他們走,有時得到的,而房地產價格實惠。
“Artists send the signal,” said Corbett. “賓館VI設計家發送信號,說:”科貝特。 “The artists are the early adopters.…They do it in real estate the same way they do it in fashion, furniture design, and graphic design.” “賓館VI設計家是嘗鮮。...他們在房地產,他們用同樣的方式做服裝,家具度假村VI設計,平面度假村VI設計吧。”
The following images are three of these up-and-coming neighborhoods that artists have developed ( Pilsen in Chicago, Wynwood in Miami, and Jamaica Plain in Boston)以下圖片是這些,有前途的賓館VI設計家們已經開發出三個街區(在芝加哥,邁阿密懷恩伍德在比爾森,牙買加在波士頓平原)
(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://16yxy.com 作者:先鋒)