Posted on貼在 February 18, 20102010年2月18日||Category:類別: UK Brand Logos英國商標
What is a business owner to do when business is slow?什么是一個公司的老板,當你在生意清淡嗎?As we see in this example, the answer is often to branch out into new areas. 當我們看到在這個例子中,答案往往是為了擴展到新的地區。Marks & Spencer, the well known high street London retailer, responded by adding a new online component to their business while stressing the important modern value of sustainability. 標志和斯賓塞,熟知的高街倫敦零售商,回應添加一個新的在線組件業務在強調可持續性發展的重要的現代價值。This slight shift in branding may not be as obvious as a change in這種輕微的轉變在品牌不明顯的改變logo design葫蘆島酒店標志設計和葫蘆島酒店品牌發展的重要的現代價值。。標志設計or other dramatic alteration, but it can be just as effective in reaching new customer bases while retaining the old.或者其他明顯改變,但是它也同樣是有效的達到新的消費者基礎的同時保留了舊的。
The retailer already had a website, but it was largely an orphan of the company.零售商已經有一個網站,但這很大程度上是一個孤兒的公司。Marks & Spencer management decided to begin emphasizing this modern option. 標志和斯賓塞管理部門決定開始強調這個現代的選擇。The website was relaunched last October to great fanfare. 網站以去年10月,偉大的號角。An expanded line of online goods and services combined with delivery all over the globe invited new audiences to experience this upscale retailer’s renowned quality. 一個擴大的在線商品和服務線結合交貨邀請世界各地新觀眾體驗了這高檔零售商的著名的質量。Particular attention was paid to usability, which is now rated among the best in the field. 特別注意到可用性,這是現在的排名中最好的田野。As a result, online sales leapt an astounding 32%, which is virtually unheard of in a shaky economy. 作為一個結果,網上銷售量遽然地驚人的32%,幾乎是聞所未聞的事在搖搖欲墜的經濟。This is far ahead of overall sales growth for Marks & Spencer, which was posted at less than a single percentage point.這是遠遠的整體銷售增長,葫蘆島酒店標志設計和葫蘆島酒店品牌發展的重要的現代價值。。
(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://16yxy.com 作者:先鋒)
企業VI設計網( http://www.rhtimes.com )
酒店VI設計網( http://16yxy.com )
國際CI網( http://www.brandcis.com )