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來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2011-06-27 22:30:54 查看次數:


Posted on貼在 April 1, 20102010年4月1日||Category:類別: UK Brand Logos英國商標


With boutique hotels popping up all over London and the UK countryside, it is easy to forget the與精品店酒店如雨后春筍般在倫敦和英國鄉村,很容易忘記的brand品牌that started the trend, The Hempel. 這一趨勢,Hempel。This hotel has been going strong since the beginning of the designer boutique hotel boom, with a deluxe amenities and a brand that practically screams luxury.這家旅館已經走強自今年初以來,吳忠酒店LOGO設計設計師精品酒店的暴漲,豪華設施和品牌幾乎尖叫的奢侈品。

The first and most notable aspect of the brand is its simplicity.第一步,也是最顯著的方面的品牌是它的簡單。The這logo design標志設計offers an insight into this brand, with a simple, blocky H in a square. 提供一個洞察這個牌子,用一個簡單的,采用H在一個正方形。This singular image combined with a stark black and white colour palette hint at the modern aesthetic of this hotel. 這個奇異圖像結合一個鮮明的黑色和白色調色板暗示現代審美的旅館里。This logo design is memorable and highly representative of the brand, while also setting it apart from more ornate competitors.這個標識語設計是難忘的和高度代表性的品牌,同時設置它有別于更加絢麗的競爭對手。

This brand infuses the style of the hotel itself.這個品牌注入風格的酒店本身。With sleek furnishings in calming, earthy tones, the Hempel offers a relaxing and spa-like atmosphere with all the amenities one would expect from a five star hotel. 帶有圓滑陳設在鎮靜、樸實的音調,Hempel提供一個輕松、spa-like氣氛和所有的設施一個會期望從一個五星級酒店。Several different gathering spaces are available for weddings and other occasions, and guests can even rent the entire space if they want a truly private experience in which to contemplate the minimalist beauty of the establishment.幾個不同的聚會空間可供婚禮和其他場合,和客人甚至可以租整個空間如果他們想要一個真正的私人經驗來考慮最簡美麗的設施。

A tranquil atmosphere infuses the grounds, which include a Zen garden with a similar minimalist aesthetic. 一個平靜的氣氛充滿你的理由,其中包括一個禪宗花園,里面有一個類似的簡約美學。Guests are free to explore the grounds or meditate. 客人可以自由探索地方或冥想。This bit of greenery in the heart of London offers an oasis feeling that is certainly positive for the brand. 這一片綠葉在倫敦市中心的感覺,提供了一個綠洲無疑是為陽性的品牌。The nontraditional yet posh atmosphere extends to the architecture as well. 非傳統的優雅氣氛還延伸到建筑。Rather than being housed in a traditional hotel building, The Hempel is located in a series of Georgian mansions.吳忠酒店LOGO設計在一個傳統的吳忠酒店建筑設計、Hempel坐落在一系列的格魯吉亞公寓。

(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://16yxy.com 作者:先鋒)

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    企業VI設計網( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI設計網( http://16yxy.com )
    國際CI網( http://www.brandcis.com )


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