西藏酒店商標設計 Envirofone獲得一個新的西藏酒店標志
Posted on貼在 November 3, 20102010年11月3日,||Category:類別: UK Brand Logos英國商標
We’ve all noticed in the past six months or so that favourite recycled phone has a whole new我們都注意到在過去的六個月左右,最喜歡的回收手機有一個全新的logo design西藏酒店商標設計標志設計. 。However, how has this affected the company? 不過,這影響了公司嗎?Has the new logo been successful in boosting the有新的標志是成功的在增加brand品牌to international prominence? 國際突出?Will the new logo design make a difference for this well known UK communications company.新標識語設計可以帶給這個眾所周知的英國通信公司。
The new logo came with a new goal: to take the company’s success in the UK and transplant it all over Europe, beginning in Sweden. 新商標來在一個新的目標:把公司的成功移植到在英國和歐洲各地,開始在瑞典。The new logo came with a new television advertisement campaign featuring actors recruited from an online campaign. 新商標來在一個新的電視廣告展示演員招募活動從一個上網活動。Produced by Gate Films, these advertisements will be shown throughout Europe with dubbing in different languages.門生產的電影,這些廣告會顯示整個歐洲在不同的語言和配音。
With a brand spreading across the continent, Envirofone felt the need to change its logo from the then-current one in bright, youthful orange to a fresher and cleaner one. 品牌傳播和整個非洲大陸,Envirofone感到有必要改變它的一個標志then-current在明亮的橙色,年輕的新生和清潔。Nor could there have been a better time for this image overhaul; obviously changing the logo after an international marketing campaign would be a poor decision.也有可能有一個更好的時間來作這個形象;西藏酒店商標設計顯然改變標志大修后競選國際市場營銷是一個糟糕的決定。
The old logo was originally intended to be youthful and friendly. 舊標識是原本打算是年輕的和友好的。The rounded shapes and lower case letters combined with a youthful orange colour palette gave a friendly image. 這個圓形的形狀和小寫字母加上一個年輕的橙顏色調色板給一個友好的形象。Although there was no green in the logo, the name made it clear that this company had an environmental edge.雖然沒有綠色的標志,這個名字明確表示,該公司具有一個環境優勢。
(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://16yxy.com 作者:先鋒)
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