酉陽高爾夫VI設計 有能力的基礎是酉陽動畫廣告。 One of the drawbacks of both logos is that they are similar and style and tone to that of the popular carbonated beverage 7-Up. 其中一個壞處是,他們都是相似的理念和風格,音調的碳酸飲料7-Up流行。However, considering the sweet and bubbly nature of both brands, this may be a benefit rather than a disadvantage.但是,考慮到甜蜜的、活潑的性質的兩個品牌,這可能是有益的,而不是一個缺點。
Changing management is one of the top reasons to rebrand a company, and that is certainly the case here. 改變管理是一個頂尖的理由將一個公司,那是當然的情況在這里。Channel 5 has recently changed ownership, now owned by UK billionaire Richard Desmond. 五頻道,最近已改變了所有權,現在英國富翁理查德德所擁有。We may see other changes to the channel which will explain the new colour and font. 我們可以看見其他的變化說明了新的通道,將顏色和字體。One major consideration of television logos is that they be recognizable and attractive in very small sizes and also have the ability to be the basis of animated advertisements. 其中一個主要考慮的是,他們是電視理念可辨識性和具有吸引力的非常小的尺寸和酉陽高爾夫VI設計 有能力的基礎是酉陽動畫廣告。The old Five logo met these criteria, and new one likely will as well. 舊的五個標志遇到這些標準,和一個新的可能。We have yet to see any of the animations using the new logo, which was introduced on February 14.我們還沒有看到任何的動畫使用新商標,被介紹在二月十四日。
Rebranding is a great choice for companies looking to refresh their image, but we have to wonder if this was necessary. 酉陽高爾夫VI設計重新定位是一個偉大的選擇,公司在努力使自己的面貌煥然一新,但是我們不得不懷疑這是必要的。Five was a great channel with a recognizable brand identity and distinctive UK logo design. 五是一個偉大的渠道與一個可辨認的品牌身份和獨特的英國logo的設計。The new identity is not so different, but a bit watered down. 新身份不是如此不同,但有點攙過水了。We don’t really see any advantages to the new logo, but hopefully future changes to the channel will show that it was indeed necessary.我們確實看不到任何的優勢,但是希望未來新商標改變頻道將顯示它確實是必要的。
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國際CI網( http://www.brandcis.com )