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來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2011-09-30 22:55:32 查看次數:





Economy hotel in the hotel and five-star hotels in the construction of the image difference!!!!!

For example, like 7 days such quick hotel, hotel LOGO is easier to identify seven words, color is bouncing yellow, everybody can photographic, and internationalization, senior business hotel hotel LOGO, want to beauty high beauty holiday hotel, is a terrible lion, the symbol of the identity and level, and his specific VI application, have 30000 to 700 items, a, specific hotel orientation is different, you may be a little different, say to the hotel VI design, we can know the importance of, absolutely not optional things, hotel VI design design planning position accurate, not only, to give visitors bring cheerful and rules, important, bring you rolling tourists,

And a key point, is to choose a hotel VI design of reliable suppliers, in fact this is not only our hotel department, a lot of things should be the owner of the decision makers, all personally the important content, good hotel VI design company, not the elite forces, but the design industry and hotel and tourism must understand other industry special profession characteristic, not only to understand the business operator market positioning, regional features, to make the hotel the design of the case to design completed, positioning, and after repeated executions correction, and hotel party communicating, in order to help put the implementation of the hotel better hotel VI, should be done later tracking service, because the VI design suppliers to the hotel also many, like printing factory, advertising sign makers, only design company and the hotel VI production supplier seamless docking good, these to facilitate the implementation of the correctness of the hotel VI import.

Shenzhen and age design company aims to these enterprise taken together, let each hotel enterprise can get different design scheme for the company, and to make it to have a strong sense of the brand.

(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://16yxy.com 作者:先鋒)


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