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來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2011-10-07 21:24:09 查看次數:



Ninth day of September, climbing process design company in Shenzhen.

   On the road, there are a variety of wild farm vegetables, poultry for sale, we want to down time, you can purchase some,
   Rise to go and see a few mountains to sit, one sitting, with the white cliffs of the mountains, reminds me, this is before I came to the place with friends, then, spring drifting in the stream, very clear, very attractive, I also carry with them in mind of mineral water are all down, a full bottle filling stream, the enjoyment of drinking
   This time, to a hillside, have heard the voice stream, the Shenzhen design company but not the kind in the rocks before the stream flowing between the feeling of joy, a lot of water, a small, but is also very clear,
   We decided to design company in Shenzhen, with white cliffs to the highest peaks to climb, the way it began to rain, but did not affect everyone's interest, particularly when approaching the summit, the road started getting smaller and smaller, although there are iron out railings, it is quite dangerous, especially two children, is also not afraid, very brave to go to the mountains, where trees may be relatively small, like feeling like the feeling of the evening, the light is very dark, approaching the summit areas, Suddenly a bright light up, that we were there to rock the place, there is nothing above the plants, we looked to the mountains, the scenery is very open, several overlapping peaks, very beautiful,
  Has no visitors around, time is approaching 5:00 pm, we rest for a while, add a little water and food, ready to down the mountain, had intended to park inside the eco-resort one night, and tomorrow go to the Maryland mountains, but because Today has been very tired, we decided to prepare the next design company in Shenzhen appropriate time to go visit the Maryland mountains.

(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://16yxy.com 作者:先鋒)

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