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來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2011-11-02 22:15:31 查看次數:





Hotel website design and hotel VI text planning application to layout?

 In the design of the hotel's website, many of the hotels are separated from the design, but only specialize in web site design company to design, text on the hotel site, the VI also need to combine with the hotel, making the hotel the VI Some provisions are easy to match up with the picture, to complete the hotel website publicity.

     In the hotel website production, the requirements of this scheduling method properly perform in strict accordance with VI, in particular, except for the title font, there is a tight song, whether it is alignment, etc., needs to have clearly defined, left or right justified etc., as well as left or right justified so that the natural end of the line or lines to understand the formation of a vertical line. Etc. These are some of the details of the changes in position to make these details do not have any differences in the choice of images need to have existed in reality, there are some popular, some products simply do not light, in fact, the image of a company's Web site, people are the most important, as the hotel industry, is to make people's service line, there must be beat and elegant, good on these issues play out the desired effect can.

     Lines on the site layout, the occurrence of rhythm and cadence of the beauty of the situation. To meet the needs of general users, left-aligned in line with people's browsing habits, it is natural; should try to do this, right-justified due to not meet the browsing habits and less used, but was new. So on these issues, mainly to facilitate the operation of an accurate point, of course, from an artistic point of view needs some personalization site can be seen as the font itself is an art situation, use some artistic fonts to show that it is normal, so in our hotel website design and production needs unified, unified VI design with the hotel style.

(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://16yxy.com 作者:先鋒)


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    企業VI設計網( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI設計網( http://16yxy.com )
    國際CI網( http://www.brandcis.com )


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