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來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2012-02-20 22:10:14 查看次數:







序號 一級欄目 二級欄目
1 梵凈山介紹 綜合簡介
2 珍貴自然資源 植物資源
3 生態保護 詳細介紹
4 科學研究 科研合作
5 特色旅游 生態旅游
6 教育培訓 
7 和諧社區 社區概況
8 論壇 



序號 一級欄目 二級欄目
1 梵凈山介紹 綜合簡介
2 珍貴自然資源 綜合介紹
3 生態保護 綜合介紹
4 科學研究 綜合介紹
5 特色旅游 生態旅游


序號 項目 技術說明
1 網頁 CSS頁面顯示樣式風格
2 特效 頁面顯示特效JS腳本
3 動畫 FLASH主題性引導
4 程序 ASP+ACCESS數據庫
5 會員 會員注冊\登錄\管理
6 服務器 Windows 2003 Server+IIS6

Site construction phase and to achieve the target

The overall goal: to build a comprehensive and systematic introduction the Fanjingshan resources and tourism development situation of the sites, as the Fanjingshan resources show a free online platform to provide an information center for tourists the Fanjingshan travel to each other exchange.

Languages: Simplified Chinese and English, English to promote the main functions, as appropriate construction.


Local planning

Chinese part

Serial one part two part
A Fanjingshan introduced Comprehensive Introduction
The Governing Body
Precious natural resources, plant resources
Animal Resources
Other resources
Details of the three ecological protection
Dynamic information
Patrol and monitoring
Conservation and Management
Policies and regulations
4 scientific research co-operation in scientific research
Special investigation
Achievements Exhibition
Guizhou golden monkey testing ground
5 characteristics of tourism eco-tourism
Buddhist Tour
Activities experience
Traffic Information
Recommended Hotels
Tourism products
Mountains accommodation point
Brahma Net tea-
6 Education and Training
7 harmonious community Community Profile
Co-management mechanisms
Community aid
8 forum


English part

Serial one part two part
A Fanjingshan introduced Comprehensive Introduction
The Governing Body
Overview of the precious natural resources

An overview of the three ecological protection


4 scientific research comprehensive introduction


5 characteristics of tourism eco-tourism
Buddhist Tour
Activities experience
Traffic Information
Recommended Hotels
Tourism products
Mountains accommodation point
Brahma Net tea-

Site technical composition

No Item technical description
A Web CSS page display style style
Sub-part thematic web templates
Content page display template
The page displays the effects of two effects JS script
The WEB2.0 picture display program

3 Animation Flash Thematic guide
GIF animated ads

4 Programming ASP + ACCESS database
Background control section Settings \ classification
Submission and management of the contents of the background to support the HTML code
Links \ Message Board \ website traffic statistics and other tools

5 Member Register \ login \ Administrative
Website with the permission assigned
Online interactive activities function
Server Windows 2003 Server, + the IIS6
Virtual host, remote FTP login to manage files
Domain transfer

(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://16yxy.com 作者:先鋒)


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    企業VI設計網( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI設計網( http://16yxy.com )
    國際CI網( http://www.brandcis.com )


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