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來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2012-03-19 10:10:49 查看次數:


How can good hotel brand design principle of market research? Note that the procedures and methods.
 (A) the principles of the questionnaire market research
    (1) there is a clear theme. The intended title according to the theme of the hotel brand market research, proceed from reality, the problem targeted, focused and not dispensable.
    (2) the structure is reasonable, logical and strong. The arrangement of the problem should be a logical order, in line with the thinking process of the respondents. Is generally the easier issues first, after the first Jane Fan, the first concrete after the abstract.
    (3) easy to understand. Questionnaire respondents at a glance, and willing to answer truthfully. Tone of the questionnaire
Be kind, the ability to understand the respondents and that the ability to avoid using jargon. Sensitive issues to take a skills survey, the questionnaire with the rationality and A, to avoid subjectivity and implied in order to avoid distortion answer.
    (4) to control the length of the questionnaires. Time control questionnaire in 20 minutes or so, that does not waste a questions in the questionnaire, do not forget a questions.
    (5) to facilitate data validation, sorting, and statistics.
(B) the design of the questionnaire procedure
    (1) determine the topics and scope of information. The whole idea of ​​the requirements of the objectives of the survey, the survey content, you need to gather information and data sources, the scope of the investigation, deliberation questionnaire, the information required to list, analyze what is the main information, which is a secondary data, What is you had better information but do not eliminate those unwanted data, and then analyze what information needs to be obtained through a questionnaire, to whom the investigation, and to determine the survey location, time and object.
    (2) analysis of sample characteristics. Analysis to understand the social class of the object of various investigations, knowledge of the psychological characteristics of the social environment, behavior, norms, ideas, customs and other social characteristics, motivations, potential and desire, understanding, ability, educational level, knowledge level characteristics, in order for its characteristics intended to question .
    (3) the preparation and arrangement of the problem. Idea of ​​each of the data, first of all, what kind of sentence to ask questions, as an exhaustive list of the problem, then check the problem, screening, to see whether excess, whether the omission, whether inappropriate questions for delete, supplement, change.
    (4) How to test A. Standing in the investigator's position on the pilot to ask questions, to see whether the problem is clear, whether easy data record, finishing the pilot replied; on the position of standing on the respondents, see if you can answer and is willing to answer all the questions, the order of questions compliance with the logic. Estimated answer time is in compliance with the requirements. It is necessary in small-scale field test a questionnaire to check the quality.
    (5) modify, copy. Be modified according to test A, and try to answer, and then modify until after the fully qualified before finalization of printing, made a formal questionnaire.
 (C) in the form of the problem
An open-ended questions
    Also known as the structure of the question. Using open-ended questions, respondents can freely use their own language to express their views on the questionnaire does not have a prepared answer.
    For example: What is you impression of the hotel? You think my hotel in the service process, what are the defects?
    Clearly, respondents can be more than free to answer the question, does not need to be selected in accordance with the questionnaire has been prepared on the answer, so that respondents can express their views and reasons, and more in-depth and sometimes can also be unexpected by the researchers answer. Generally speaking, the first question on the questionnaire using freestyle, so that the respondents have the opportunity to express their views, which can be prepared a favorable atmosphere of the investigation, to shorten the distance between the survey respondents.
    However, the open-ended questions also its shortcomings. Such as investigator bias, respondents answer due to the record by the investigators write, most likely distorted, or not answering the original meaning. If the investigation in accordance with his own understanding of records, there is the possibility of bias. However, these deficiencies can use the recorder to compensate. Open second major drawback is the difficulty of data collection and analysis. The answer may be different due to various respondents, the wording varied, so will inevitably lead to difficulties in answer to the classification, the whole process is quite time-consuming, and inevitably mixed with finishing personal prejudices. Therefore, the open-ended questions helpful in exploratory research, but in the large-scale sample survey, it will do more harm than the


(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://16yxy.com 作者:先鋒)


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    企業VI設計網( http://www.rhtimes.com )
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    國際CI網( http://www.brandcis.com )


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