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來源:【人和時代·中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2012-03-21 11:23:56 查看次數:

Hotel logo design The questionnaire structure!
    Questionnaire in general can be seen as composed of three parts: Foreword (opening), body, and the end.
1. Foreword
    Foreword or the opening of the questionnaire is caused by the survey letter or greeting. Its contents generally include the following aspects:
   (1) call, the greeting. Such as "XX, ladies: Hello".
   (2) to investigate self-description of the survey organizer and personal identity.
   (3) a brief description of the contents of the investigation, purpose, and fill method.
   (4) explain the significance or importance of the answer.
   (5) A description will take time.
   (6) ensure that no negative effect, and the answer given by the respondent for him to keep a secret.
   (7) to express our sincere gratitude, or description will be small gifts.
    The tone of the letter should be cordial, sincere and polite, concise and avoid long-winded. The beginning of the questionnaire is very important. A lot of practice shows that almost all people are rejecting cooperation came into contact with the first few seconds, expressed his unwillingness to participate. If potential subjects listened investigation had come a willingness to participate in the words, then the vast majority will be co-operation, and once you start to answer, it will continue and complete, except in very special circumstances will be aborted.
2 text
    The body of the questionnaire actually contains three parts.
    The first section includes the most general understanding of the respondents. These issues should be applicable to all respondents, and soon easy question to answer. In this section there should not be difficult to answer or sensitive issues, so as not scared of respondents.
    The second part is the main contents of the large number of topics including those relating to the substance and details of the survey hotel logo design theme. The structure of this part of the organizational arrangements and the respondents to comply with the logic makes sense.
   The third part consists of two parts, general, First, sensitive or complex issues, as well as measuring respondents attitudes or characteristics; two basic conditions of the population, economic status, and so on.
3. The end of
   The end of the questionnaire can generally be added to the subject of two open way, to give respondents an opportunity to express their views freely. Then, thank the cooperation of the respondents. At the end of the questionnaire, should generally be accompanied by an "investigation records". This record generally includes:
   (1) investigators (interviewers) name, number;
   (2) of the respondents' names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.
   (3) questionnaire number
   (4) access time
   (5) Other, such as design grouping.

(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代·中國】 http://16yxy.com 作者:先鋒)


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    國際CI網( http://www.brandcis.com )


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