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來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2012-04-05 12:03:22 查看次數:

The public mind the image of the hotel, market targeting and positioning strategy
(A), the content market positioning
    Market positioning in the marketing of the hotel, according to consumer needs and psychological characteristics, determine its own characteristics and status, to conquer and to attract consumers. Such a positioning in the marketing strategy include the following steps:
    ① marketing positioning of the target, in the marketing process, which goals should be achieved, such as sales, sales, market share, product features, product prices, quality standards, promotion methods, the target profit.
    ② target market and marketing mix, positioning, and that the hotel must start from the grasp of environmental conditions, the correct analysis to divide up the market, under the premise of full understanding of the part of the opponent status and consumer characteristics, the setting of the hotel sales and service targets. The same time, the hotel should be established marketing strategy to expand it, to determine the marketing mix, product, price, distribution channels and promotional methods included in the implementation of the provisions of the uniform in order to maximize the effective use of staff time and money, so that marketing activities to achieve the best results.
    ③ image of the hotel location. The image of the hotel is a complete system of philosophy, it includes not only hotel in the eyes of the community and the public image and reputation, but also the image and reputation of the product, the trademark. Positioning of these three areas is a unified whole, are interrelated and influence each other, in which to think about positioning the highest level, the difficulty to the hotel the largest image of the hotel by the hotel themselves to design and shape, but the recipient of the image of the hotel and evaluators can only be the public.
(B), the market positioning method
    The hotel market position from the following aspects:
    (1) to do the investigation of the image of the hotel, to understand the public understanding of the hotel, dependence and positive feeling of the hotel's overall image evaluation. The specific method is recognized by the public satisfied with the quality of products, the quality of service, the hotel strength dependence to evaluate the credibility of the hotel certainly other aspects of the factors.
    2 image of the hotel location to be realistic, to be able to attract the public, in line with the trends of social development, in line with the psychological needs of the public, in line with the hotel's own development needs and asked not to be too high, but must be innovative, easy to operate.
    The ③ image of the hotel positioning strategies to be correct, and the status to the hotel in the market to develop appropriate strategies. In general, if the hotel in the market leading position in the image of the hotel has been rooted in the minds of consumers, the hotel should not easily change the position in the minds of consumers have been identified, but should further enhance the public understanding of the hotel to expand their influence and goodwill; if the hotel is the challenger, you should figure out their own strategic objectives and strategies to find differences, unique, and enhance the hotel's image in the eyes of the public.
(C) market positioning strategy
A competitive positioning strategy
     Also known to avoid strong strategy, the hotel under its own power, in order to war, according to the good market position, at the on the market dominated by the stronger competitors in conflict, so as to achieve to make their products to enter and competition The purpose of the same market position.
(2) Strategic decisions on positioning strategy
    Also known to avoid the strong positioning strategy refers to the hotel to avoid direct competition with strong competitors, while positioning their products in another market area, some of the attributes or characteristics of their products with strong competitive The obvious difference.
Three prominent characteristics of positioning strategy
    It refers to the positioning of existing products by analyzing the time, the hotel was in, to find a new market position with distinct characteristics.

(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://16yxy.com 作者:先鋒)

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    企業VI設計網( http://www.rhtimes.com )
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    國際CI網( http://www.brandcis.com )


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