波士頓矩陣又稱市場增長率一相對市場份額矩陣。該方法是由波士頓咨詢集團(Boston Consulting,BCG)在上世紀70年代初開發的。BCG矩陣將組織的每一個戰略事業單位標在一種二維的矩陣圖上,從而顯示出哪個業務提供高額的潛在收益,以及那個業務是組織資源的漏斗。波士頓矩陣根據市場增長率和相對市場份額分為四種業務組合。
The hotel market growth, the relative level of the hotel business in the market high and low, the Boston matrix.
The Boston Matrix, also known as market growth, the relative market share matrix. The method is developed in the early 1970s by the Boston Consulting Group (Boston Consulting, BCG). BCG matrix will be organized every strategic business units marked in a two-dimensional matrix in order to show which business is to provide high potential returns, and that business is the funnel of the organizational resources. Boston matrix according to the market growth rate and relative market share is divided into four business combination.
A problem class of business
Refers to the high market growth rate, relatively low market share of business for this type of business, hotel companies need to invest a lot of money to support their production and business activities, but generated less money. The investment in this type of business that require further analysis, only those who meet the long-term development goals of the hotel enterprises with resources advantages, or to enhance their core competitiveness of the business is worth continuing to invest. One or two, focus on investment and development.
2 star class of business
The high market growth rate, relative market share of high business. This kind of business for the hotel business opportunities for long-term profitability, but because the market is still high growth will require significant investment to resist or repel competitors. According to a recent situation, the hotel enterprises should choose this two or a business priority to supply the funds they need to support them to continue to develop.
3 cash cow business
The low market growth rate, relative market share of high business. Such business leader in the mature markets, a major source of financing of hotel enterprises, enterprises do not need to invest heavily, but use this to obtain the funds to support other types of business. The hotel is only one cash cattle business, indicating its limited financial resources due to environmental changes caused by its falling market share, the company would have to withdraw cash from other business to maintain the leadership position of the cash cow business.
Skinny dog class business
The market growth rate is low, the relative market share of low business. Under normal circumstances, such low business profitability or even losses. I have two skinny dog class business hotel enterprises, if this type of business but also self-sustaining, should narrow the scope of operation, strengthen internal management. If such business has been a complete failure, the hotel enterprises to take timely measures to clean up the business or exit the business field, otherwise it will only increase the loss of hotel companies and influence the development of other businesses.
Hotel offering rooms and restaurant, which also operates the recreational, bars, cafes and other services, the Boston matrix analysis to identify the problem class of business, obviously class of business, the cash cow class business and dogs class of business. targeted marketing, in order to profit in the market, access to a larger market share and good reputation.
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