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來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2012-05-11 11:00:42 查看次數:

   (2)盡量保持價格的調 整在一定范圍之內。顧客常常會把零散的價格歸視為較整數的價格,比如把7元與11元,都看作10元來計算,把13和16元都看作15元來計算。當酒店需要調整價格的時候,盡量控制在這樣一個范圍內,使顧客感覺價格變動不明顯,減少因提價給客人帶來的購買顧慮。

A lot of observation of the customer's subjective evaluation of the hotel product, common hotel pricing strategy
(A) psychological pricing strategy
    Psychological pricing strategy to make use of the customer buying psychology, according to the customer's subjective evaluation of the hotel products and services, personal feelings to develop a price strategy. Psychological pricing is a commonly used simple pricing strategy, including the median pricing, integer pricing, prestige pricing.
A. Mantissa pricing
    The mantissa pricing in order to cater to guests affordable psychological price ending on an issue, the guests psychologically easier to accept the price of the hotel product, contributed to the generation of purchase behavior. The usual practice of the following:
   (1) The mantissa of the product price is often set to 9. Figures used in the mantissa of the price, make the price of the median looks a little, such as 99 yuan and 100 yuan, while just 1, but in the hearts of customers, they are different levels of price, less a number of benefits. Similarly, 9 mantissa, can make the first digit of the price lower, such as the price of a hotel dishes at 29 yuan, will be higher than in the 30 yuan looks easy to accept, guests will feel to get a discount.
   (2) try to keep the price adjustment within a certain range. The customer will often scattered prices in the final as compared with integer prices, such as the seven yuan and 11 yuan, are as 10 yuan, 13 and 16 yuan as 15 yuan. When the price of the hotel needs to be adjusted, as far as possible be controlled in a range of customers to feel the effect of price changes is not obvious, reducing the concerns of the purchase due to price increases to the guests.
(2) integer pricing
   Do not understand the product, the consumer will determine the product is good or bad the product price that you pay for the psychological. Integer pricing can show businesses' confidence in their products, sure the product should be valuable to the guests confidence. Special emphasis on quality products, such as hotel rooms, recreational facilities, often using this pricing method.
(3) the prestige pricing
   Prestige pricing is based on the high positioning of the high prices of advertised products, mainly to cater to the psychological needs of the guests to display their own identity through consumption, particularly suitable for high-end products, pricing, luxury hotel suites, presidential suites often use this pricing method, through high integer pricing, clear market positioning of the product. The hotel according to their main objective source, consider the impact of the price of the product market positioning. In addition, once the prestige pricing is used, it should not go any lower, otherwise it would be the customer of the hotel product and service quality into question.
(4) solicit pricing
    Low-cost marketing strategies taken by the hotel in order to ensure the room occupancy rate, expand sales, the use of regular guests favor cheap consumer psychology. Adopt such a pricing strategy, the goal is to ensure that the entire hotel yield price to attract more tourists, such as during the low season, or in a number of ancillary services, and maximize the return on the entire hotel.


(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://16yxy.com 作者:先鋒)


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