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來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2012-06-04 15:15:53 查看次數:

Hotel promotions concept? What is the hotel promotional role?
A hotel marketing concept
    Promotion, upgrade, enhance the meaning. The hotel promotion is to hotel marketing campaign through various means, passing a variety of information about the hotel and the product to the target market, persuade or attract customers come to buy their product marketing activities.
    Hotel promotions and other marketing activities, such as different hotel product decisions, pricing strategy to determine the distribution of marketing activities. The latter is mainly within the hotel or hotel with its marketing partners, such as between travel agents, aviation, hotels, hotel. Hotel promotion is in between the hotel and guests.
    The hotel promotion is essentially a communication activity, the hotel issued as irritants in a variety of information, the information passed to the target market as the recipient, in order to influence their attitudes and behavior.
Hotel promotion role
    Under market economy conditions, on the one hand, the hotel can not be fully aware of who needs what products and where needed, when needed, and what price guests are able to accept; the other hand, the majority of consumers are not entirely clear what goods who should supply, where supply, when supply, price level, and so on. Precisely because the objective contradictions of separation between this hotel and consumers, the hotel must take advantage of promotional activities, communication, hotel products and services and other information is passed on to consumers to enhance their understanding, trust and purchase the hotel products, to expand sales. With the increasingly high demand for hotel products and a growing selection of room, so the communication between the hotel and consumers is more important, the hotel need to strengthen the promotion, use of a variety of promotions to enable consumers to deepen their products understanding, so that the consumer is willing to spend more money to buy their products.
    The hotel promotion has the following functions:
    (1) inform the role of
     Hotel Promotions hotel products, services, prices and other information to target market their attention.
    (2) persuasive
      Hotel promotion aims to lift the doubts of the target market for the products or services through a variety of effective ways to convince the target market to a firm purchase commitment. For example, in a similar hotel products, many products are often only detailed the difference between, guests are difficult to detect. Hotel through the promotional activities to publicize the characteristics of their products, so that the guests recognize the special interests of the publicity the hotel product may bring, and thus willing to buy.
    (3) create demand
      Hotel promotion can not only induce demand, but also to create demand, identify potential customers, and expand sales.
    (4) establish a good image
      Hotel promotions, hotel and product presentation and promotion, establish a good image of the hotel in the public mind, has played a facilitating role.
     3 hotel promotions
      Hotel promotions, including staff advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and public relations, effective hotel marketing strategy is the organic integration of hotel promotions.      

(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://16yxy.com 作者:先鋒)


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    企業VI設計網( http://www.rhtimes.com )
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    國際CI網( http://www.brandcis.com )


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