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來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2012-06-05 15:07:53 查看次數:


An important role in advertising the hotel and what promotional features?
A hotel advertising concept
    Hotel advertising is the hotel through a variety of media, pay is passed to the target market of public information about the hotel in order to expand its influence and visibility, and establish the image of a promotion form.
    Advertising on the hotel business is operating with a very important role. With the characteristics of the hotel product, hotel product brand loyalty is low, guests choose the hotel product, choose a large space, it is easy to turn to other hotel; Second, the alternative to a strong demand for hotel products, while demand exists seasonal, price sensitivity; guests to buy the activities of the hotel product with emotion, whether it is the choice of hotel, or the comparison of product quality and price, often by the opinions of colleagues, relatives and friends outside. These characteristics determine the guests of a hotel and its products, the impression they are less likely to buy the product. In hotel marketing, personal selling to major clients, group sales, but to take care of the less than great as the dispersion of potential customers. Advertising the name suggests and ulnar widely advertised, wide coverage, advertising is to let more people know and understand the most effective way of hotels and products.
Characteristics of the hotel advertising
    Compared with other promotions, hotel advertising has distinctive features:
   (1) surface spread wide, and a wide spread dissemination of physical copy information, and report the information coverage of a large hotel and its products can rapidly expand its influence in the short term;
   (2) indirect spread of the hotel advertising is publicity through the media, advertisers and advertising the recipient does not meet directly, so the content and form of advertising have a significant impact on hotel advertising publicity;
   The possibility of (3) media effect, due to the customer to get to hotels and their product information through the media, the media's own reputation, to attract its contact will produce both positive and negative effects of the spreading effect of the hotel advertising information;
   (4) The strong performance and attractiveness as an advertising medium can take advantage of the tone, color, shape and other technical means to express the advertising information, hotel advertising has better performance and attraction;
   (5) the effect of lag, the effect of advertising the hotel requires a longer time to be fully reflected. Advertising broadcast or published, in general, their effects can not be immediate. Because, on the one hand, the guests accept advertising a time interval, on the other hand the guests purchase decision requires a certain process, and the price of some products may not be the audience was affordable. Advertising effectiveness lag as short as a few days, as long as several years.


(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://16yxy.com 作者:先鋒)


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    企業VI設計網( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI設計網( http://16yxy.com )
    國際CI網( http://www.brandcis.com )


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