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來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2012-06-06 14:39:34 查看次數:

Hotel advertising is commonly used in which several media publishing platform?
    Often used as a hotel advertising platform media as follows: the mass media, including newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, etc.; display advertising; outside the shop advertising; mail advertising. At present, with the development of the Internet, online advertising has become the many hotels in the release of information about the options.
    The following commonly used media features:
   (1) Newspapers
     From the occupation and level of education, newspaper reading class can be said is the most extensive media coverage; newspaper distribution geographical clear to regular subscribers, can be said that the newspaper is the most stable media planning; newspapers coverage in the local market and easily accepted and trusted; newspaper flexible, timely, and timeliness. However, newspapers also have deficiencies, newspaper advertising to save the poor, the reader is just browsing; limited advertising production quality, poor fidelity; space is limited, the size of the advertising space is easily overlooked.
   (2) magazine
     , The magazine's strengths is that readers targeted, the magazine is specifically optional readers, the magazine's readers reliability is to use the advantages of the magazine media, read the magazine's readers have been under the influence of the magazine as an advertising media, we can say the relationship between the reports published in the magazine and readers than other media in a more natural relationship; magazine to save a long time, and repeated reading, life-long advertising; magazine printing quality is stronger than the newspaper. Magazine Disadvantages: publishing cycle, timeliness; it is difficult for a regional market; advertising cost is slightly higher.
   (3) Broadcast
     Broadcast advantage of the rapid dissemination of information in a timely manner; wide geographical coverage; selective low; charges. The disadvantage is that only the propagation of sound, showing the way as the TV attractive; advertising time, information dissemination and fleeting, the audience is often the impression is not deep or neglect of a major information, advertising effectiveness is limited.
   (4) TV
     The main advantage of the television media, audio-visual co-exist, illustrated, contagious, and other media, unparalleled demonstration effect, can cause a high degree of attention; a wide range of television transmission speed. The main drawback is that the production of advertisements and broadcast fees are very expensive; information fleeting, selective, poorly targeted, hotel less directly through the TV to do the advertising.
   Outdoor advertising (5)
      More outdoor advertising, including the project, posters, posters, carriage ads, subway ads. The benefits of outdoor advertising is eye-catching graphics can be obtained very fine, attractive; show very long time, and storm drain times. Contains limited information, lack of specificity; propagation region; the location of the ads more stringent requirements, the effect of the flow of people and place is only ideal.
   (6) mail advertising
     Mailing advertising the advantages of advertising sent to the consumer's home or office, so the targeted strong; control; for the personal, human touch darker, easy to engender intimacy. The disadvantage is that higher advertising costs, advertising and printing costs, there is considerable postage; spread area is small, easily lead to abuse Send phenomenon.
   (7) online advertising
     Online advertising, the advertising industry in the emerging forms of advertising media. The advantages of online advertising is more subtle individual differences guests classification, each passing a different advertising messages; interactive online advertising, online consumers have the ability to feedback, once someone starts a sense of information on the delivery of online advertising interest, advertisers turn to the next step, passed specifically for this information; online advertising provided by the virtual reality world, will give the audience a whole new experience. The limitations of online advertising is mainly reflected in a relatively narrow range and the price is too high side.



(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://16yxy.com 作者:先鋒)


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    企業VI設計網( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI設計網( http://16yxy.com )
    國際CI網( http://www.brandcis.com )


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