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來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2012-06-24 13:42:59 查看次數:

There are several aspects of the role of the hotel Internet marketing?
(1) to carry out network marketing can effectively control the cost of the hotel
    Taken by the network marketing is the new marketing mode. Via the Internet to transform the traditional hotel marketing and management organization structure and mode of operation, and through the integration of other relevant departments such as the production department, purchasing department are to achieve maximum control of the hotel costs. Use of the Internet for information exchange, barter instead of the previous, lower the cost of traffic management, communications, labor, financial and office rents to maximize management efficiency; at the same time, the hotel can use the network system to store large amounts of information, for guests to query the network to transmit the amount of information and accuracy, far more than other media, and the market needs in a timely manner to update the relevant information.
(2) network marketing to create more market opportunities for the hotel
    The online world there is no space constraints, and its tentacles can be extended to every place in the world. Use the Internet to engage in marketing activities, so far from the hotel and can not be achieved by traditional sales market; the same time, the network beyond the time constraints for information exchange, and hotels around the clock to provide marketing services for guests from around the hotel to create a new market opportunity.
Network marketing can meet the needs of guests personalized guest satisfaction
    Network marketing is taken by the guest-oriented, one-on-one, personalized, highly interactive promotions, to avoid the interference of strong marketing staff, through information and interactive conversation with the guests to establish long-term good relationship; network marketing to meet the needs of the guests on the purchase of convenience, reduced distance and time consumption of customers to buy and improve the efficiency of the guests to buy; network marketing for the hotel to save promotional and other expenses, to reduce product costs and prices become possible, so that guests can be purchased at a lower price. Using the Internet, hotel speak Products, pricing information and sales information placed online, and learn more about information that guests can be selected according to their needs.
(4) the transfer of network marketing is extremely rich, and can better meet the needs of different customers
    Information transfer in the network marketing a variety of ways, such as text, sound, pictures, etc., that meets the needs of different customers, they can give full play to the creativity and initiative of the marketing staff.
Compared to traditional marketing, network marketing has a good integration effect
    Internet marketing can not only help the hotel to publish product information, product sales, but also help hotels recovery money, and provide after-sales service, network marketing is a full marketing channels. On the other hand, the hotel can make use of the network will spread marketing activities unified design plan and coordinate the implementation of the information conveyed to consumers in a uniform pattern, to avoid inconsistencies in the different propagation generated by the negative impact.   



(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://16yxy.com 作者:先鋒)


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    企業VI設計網( http://www.rhtimes.com )
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    國際CI網( http://www.brandcis.com )


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