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來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2012-06-27 15:47:43 查看次數:

What are the core standards of a good site?
    Customer-centric Web site construction is the basis of hotel Internet marketing. The construction and operation status of the site is a key factor to determine the hotel Internet marketing results.
    Hotel Internet marketing site should meet the following criteria:
One to help hotels message to achieve the goal of business objectives, as well as site construction and operation of
    Site construction and operation of the target with the hotel business goal is the same construction and operation of the site in order to meet the hotel's certain aspects of network marketing function, such as the hotel website marketing capabilities based on customer service, sales-based hotel website marketing function, based on international market development hotel website marketing functions. Through the website tools to achieve their website marketing value.
The site should have good search engine performance
    The search engine is the Internet users access to information most important channels. Hotel website can not be effectively promoted through a search engine marketing of discount hotel website must solve its own search engine optimization issues, should be search engine optimization as the site work and long-term work throughout the entire operating procedures.
Site should have a good user experience
    The hotel website users and more organizations and individuals associated with the hotel business, hotel website experience, affecting their cognitive and evaluation of the hotel. The site must be considered to provide a good experience for the user. To this end, the site should improve their credibility, allowing users to form a high degree of trust, such as the true picture of the relevant documents and certificates related to media reports, the hotel address and product, as well as the previous user's case, should be in place up on the website, customer spending on the site, trust your web site may be consumer; Second, the site should be well-content support, promote users to learn more about the product or service.
Site construction should pay attention to details
    In the process of the site development, content maintenance, management and other aspects need to be reflected in the details. For example, improving the speed of the page to open, clear navigation, no dead links, good links between pages; provide details of the hotel contact, address and map user contact; website marketing process, provide a detailed introduction and explanation , user-friendly or online to complete the marketing.
5 perfect Web site monitoring and management
    Website monitoring, can help the hotel to the source of the user and the user's information, detailed statistics, and easy hotel to grasp market trends; monitoring and statistical information about the site, but also for the improvement and adjustment of the post-site convenient and easy to maintain website content management system to reduce the hotel's maintenance costs, improve efficiency in the maintenance of site content.
6. Powerful online communication function
    Efficient and timely communication to hotels and users are of great significance, the site of the hotel to take advantage of the interactivity of the network, communication tools through QQ, online customer service, online message answering, and better position marketing services.
7 powerful booking capabilities
    The hotel website should provide real-time room reservations and payment services. This will provide the hotel a more direct source, and can greatly reduce the distribution costs of the room, and may lower the discount to encourage guests to prepay part or full payment, thereby reducing the risk of vacant hotel. Online booking should note the following: the online booking process should be humane, simple, user-friendly the successful completion of booking; should provide a variety of price types to meet the needs of all types of guests: such as front pay price of N days in advance of pre-paid price; The online booking should be done is recognized immediately.


(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://16yxy.com 作者:先鋒)


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    企業VI設計網( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI設計網( http://16yxy.com )
    國際CI網( http://www.brandcis.com )


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