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來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2012-07-02 11:10:51 查看次數:


What is the concept of marketing management and organization of the modern hotel?
A modern hotel in Marketing Management
    The modern hotel marketing focuses on marketing management issues in the "buyer's market" under the conditions of the hotel. Hotel to conduct effective marketing management, we must first clear the task of marketing management. Hotel marketing and management tasks include hotel marketing organization and management, business operations management, human resource management, three main areas.
    Management is defined as: the use of resources through the design, organization, control, command and other means to get to take more resources. Therefore, as an important part of the hotel management, the following from the hotel marketing plan, marketing organization, marketing, implementation and marketing control to introduce the Hotel Marketing Management.
Second, modern hotel marketing organization
    Hotel marketing organization to develop and implement the responsible departments of the hotel marketing strategy and action. It is closely related to the size of the hotel, a small hotel may be only one person responsible for marketing, large-scale hotels with strong departments, such as Japan's Okura Hotel sales staff of over 150 people. Marketing organization and the market demand and competitive conditions inherent inevitable. The hotel is in short supply, there is little hotel set up a marketing department, Today, the majority of hotels are strengthened hotel marketing power, with a strong sales force and marketing department to become the center of the entire hotel sector.
    Hotel Marketing, also known as the sales and marketing department, to coordinate and plan the hotel's marketing activities, collect marketing information to the hotel market, the development of the hotel market, the development of hotel prices, and in charge of the hotel rooms and other products sales.
    Hotel marketing department main responsibilities include: the work of marketing research, focus on collection of the hotel market and the source dynamic message, understand competitors' sales activities and price forecasts and analysis of market size and characteristics of hotel tourists, and the preparation of the report of the hotel sales trends .
    The status and role of the type of market and hotel the size will affect the marketing department in the hotel and the division of responsibilities. Which form of organization best suited for what the hotel depending on the overall size and staff size of the hotel, the hotel and the type of product richness, the hotel market characteristics, such as the breakdown of the amount of the market and its purchase of the characteristics of hotel brokers the role of marketing, technical capabilities and knowledge of sales staff employed by the hotel and hotel a variety of financial factors.


(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://16yxy.com 作者:先鋒)


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