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來源:【人和時代?中國】酒店vi設計公司 發布時間:2012-04-29 15:24:07 查看次數:


Improve the image of the hotel design features with the concept of the hotel product portfolio
    The hotel portfolio is the hotel offers a variety of different functions of the market, the product mix. Involved in functions with both the tangible products of the hotel such as the various rooms, restaurants, sports and recreation facilities, can also be a hotel's image, logo design, service levels and product prices, intangible.
    The product portfolio is generally determined by the hotel product breadth, length, depth:
    The breadth of the hotel product: the hotel can provide a number of classification services, such as restaurants, rooms, business center, sports and recreation, travel.
    Hotel Length: each type of product can provide many different services, such as hotel rooms can be divided into standard rooms, deluxe rooms, single rooms, triple rooms and suites, etc., the restaurant can be divided into a Chinese restaurant, Western restaurant, Japanese style restaurant, Korean restaurant.
    Hotel Depth: each service can provide can be divided into varieties, such as hotel suites, presidential suites, deluxe suites and business suites, the hotel restaurant can taste the cuisine of many different cuisines, the number of alcoholic beverages.
    Broaden the product line breadth, can improve the function of the hotel, the overall strength of the entire hotel, extended the length of the product line to meet the needs of different levels of customers. To note is that we must consider the degree of correlation between product lines and product line, the correlation degree is too high will cause the business waste, need to be integrated, the correlation is too low, the hotel's human, financial and investment force dispersion, increase the difficulty of cost and management .

(版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://16yxy.com 作者:先鋒)


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    國際CI網( http://www.brandcis.com )


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